Nonfiction Submissions

Submissions are open for The Goodlife Country annual nonfiction project.

The submissions period will run from July 1st – August 31st.

For more comprehensive information on the nonfiction submission guidelines, please visit our nonfiction project page.

The themes for the submissions should revolve around finance, lifestyle, health, and travel.

This form of writing must not be opinions, fiction, or scholarly essays. We seek compelling, creative nonfiction stories that mirror real-life experiences. 

We pay N40,000 (forty thousand naira) − or its equivalent in dollars using the Central Bank of Nigeria (CBN) official rates – for each published nonfiction piece.

Every year, we publish 16 nonfiction pieces in print through an anthology and on our website.

Only those above 18 years old are allowed to submit to the essay project. Submissions are accepted from any part of the world.

Essays must be 3000 – 3500 words. Anything outside this word limit will be disqualified.

Essays must be in English, original, previously unpublished, and not posted on any social media website or submitted to any blog, magazine, journal, or news media. 

Only one essay at a time for each submission window. Multiple submissions by one writer are not allowed.

Essays should be properly formatted and paginated. We accept the following format (1.5 line spacing, l2pt font size, Times New Roman font face, A4 paper size, and justified text alignment).

We only accept Microsoft (MS) Word documents. The headers of the document should contain your name, the title of your work, and page numbers. 

Submissions that do not meet the above guidelines, the Editorial Policy, and the Terms of Service of The Goodlife Country will be disqualified. 

If you have any questions regarding the essay project, please email us at We will be glad to help.


    Number of Words (3000 – 3500 words)