Essay Project

The Goodlife Country essay project is a quarterly writing project with themes that revolve around finance, lifestyle, health, and travel.

The essay project aims to encourage writers, thought leaders and industry experts to contribute their knowledge and proffer solutions to the challenges facing the finance, lifestyle, health, and travel sectors.

We seek fact-based, informative, and engaging essays written in a simple and easy-to-read manner, with some personal experience to them. We publish four essays every week on our website.

We pay N20,000 (twenty thousand naira) − or its equivalent in dollars using the Central Bank of Nigeria’s (CBN) official rates − for each published essay.

With the essay project, Goodlife Country will publish some of the finest works. In light of this, we seek the support of our readers, community, and supporters to help us successfully implement the project. 

We enjoin individuals, businesses, and organisations to financially support this project and reap the wonderful benefits of doing so.  


Submissions timeline 

Submissions for the essay project are quarterly and as follows:

First quarter: submission period January 1st – January 31st; accepted submissions announced on the last week of February.

Second quarter: submissions period April 1st – April 30th; accepted submissions announced on the last week of May.

Third quarter: submission period July 1st – July 31st; accepted submissions announced on the last week of August.

Fourth quarter: submission period October 1st – October 31st; accepted submissions announced on the last week of November.

Every quarter, a total of 48 submissions will be accepted (12 from finance, 12 from lifestyle, 12 from health, and 12 from travel).

Every week, four essays – one from each category (finance, lifestyle, health, and travel) – will be published on our website.


Submission guidelines 

Only those above 18 years old are allowed to submit to the essay project. Submissions are accepted from any part of the world.

Essays must be 1400 – 1500 words. Anything outside this word limit will be disqualified.

Essays must be in English, original, previously unpublished, and not posted on any social media website or submitted to any blog, magazine, journal, or news media. 

Only one essay at a time for each submission window. Multiple submissions by one writer are not allowed.

Essays should be properly formatted and paginated. We accept the following format (1.5 line spacing, l2pt font size, Times New Roman font face, A4 paper size, and justified text alignment).

We only accept Microsoft (MS) Word documents. The header of the document should contain your name, the title of your work, and page numbers. 

All submissions must be submitted through our online form. Click here to visit our online form and make your submission.

Note that if your essay is accepted, it may be edited and the title may be modified. Also, note that the editors have the final say in the selection and publishing processes of the essay project.

Applicants agree as a condition of entry that Goodlife Country may publicise the fact that their work has been entered or selected for the project.

Upon publication of your work, you are giving Goodlife Country the exclusive right to publish your work in any form and medium known now or that will exist in the future. 

Note that Goodlife Country, its staff, or partners are not responsible for any copyright infringement of work submitted for The Goodlife Country essay project.

All rights revert to the author upon publication. However, we do request that if you choose to publish your work elsewhere, The Goodlife Country should be properly acknowledged as the original publisher.

Submissions that do not meet the above guidelines, the Editorial Policy, and the Terms of Service of The Goodlife Country will be disqualified. 

If you have any questions regarding the essay project, please email us at We will be glad to help.